

Alrighty, I know that I didn’t write for a hella long time, but there ya go!So, this game is created in 2014, it is old, i know very clearly but it’s plot..is magical.I don’t really know what to say about the plot.The way the plot twists is a magical secret which Ubisoft hides(yes ubisoft lauched the game).If you never did play it, go play it,(I don’t really know if it’s with money or not)it’s awesome.Watch Dogs was my first game first played on my Xbox.That randomly happend for the game to appear on the screen and I thought why not play it?So, if you dont want to see the game, I will explain to you a little of it.(I don’t wanna explain to much to not reveal 😉 ).The main character(MC on short), Aiden Pearce, a family man who got hit by some fixers, wants to find out who and what caused to do that hit.We see a nice beginning of the map a little in pixels(Also before that you find your MC hacking in a hotel, The Merlaut, with you there and someone at the computers, that, is Damien Brenks.).11 months later, he finds the guy who shot his tire, Maurice Vega. You find out that one of your side-fixer calls the police for you to distract them to get out of the stadium.(May Stadium).There are 40 main missions in Watch Dogs, also, through Aiden’s smartphone you can find more missions by unlocking side-missions.I don’t think im having anymore to explain..I did explain a lot xD..Ok,so here is the question of the day 2#!(only for those who played)

Did you like playing Watch Dogs?If not, why?Tell it to me into the comments, im very curious to see!

Ok, cya all later to the next blog!:)

Whoops, I forgot something, you can also buy the Watch Dogs 2 packet, also the DLC for Watch Dogs Bad Blood(I suggest you to play Watch Dogs and Watch Dogs 2 before playing Bad Blood.)

One picture of Aiden Pearce.

This is the Bad Blood DLC.
A picture for (almost) all of the characters in Watch Dogs.

About Fortnite

This is the most overpopulated game in the whole history of gaming. In 2017, Fortnite was created. Everyone is now on Fortnite. On the old days, people would play Minecraft(now, don’t tell me in the comments that minecraft is old, it’s still very fun to play). Fortnite is like a Minecraft, but with a variety of guns.And a storm, which you have to pay attention to, or you get killed. Remember. Fortnite is a Battle Royal, which means..

You join the game, if you die, you die. Just like in real life.

Basically, it’s all just a theory in fact. If you think just like that. You may know a lot about all of the youtuber that post about Fortnite which are:

Fe4rr(which is Fearless) also(favorite youtuber, go watch him, his snipes are extremly awesome)

Ninja(kinda toxic, my opinion)

and so much on..

So, if you play Fortnite, try not to buy scams(haha what a joke (end me))Try not to be a try-hard, you will lose, and try to play chill.(do not rage, it’s just a game)

So, I am going to ask you a question.

On what device do YOU play Fortnite?

I play on Xbox,(which is kinda hard, i don’t recommend)so yeah, im ending the post here.Bye Gamers!